This is a question I\'ve been asking myself a lot lately. Why? I feel like it\'s pretty hard to combine my interest of devops, security, and mobile. It\'s not like it\'s impossible but I always feel like I\'m choosing. On the other hand we have the fact that I should aspire to move up. I do but there are so many titles that do different things that I really don\'t know what to aspire for. Do I always want to do mobile? Is tooling (devops) where I ride out my 9-5 career? Do I just jump towards people management to save my hands? So many questions and no real answers. I have another birthday soon and I hope during my time off I\'ll have the space to figure some of this out. I don\'t need a \"this is the way\" answer, but I\'d like to not feel like I\'m just randomly floating through this stuff. Learning is fun and never ending in tech, but I don\'t want to feel stuck. Anyway regardless of what I come up with I\'m having fun combining things in my free time. Automating and templating things are fun, but paying cloud fees are not. lol