If you have been following my
[instagram](https://www.instagram.com/keheirathadev/) then you know I
have been looking into Continuous Integration/Continous Development,
also known as CI/CD. Why am I doing this now? I think CI/CD can really
speed up one\'s development. From a business perspective it is great to
have the computer manually build things for me on a certain schedule so
that I don\'t have to remember to do it. A great example of this would
be for my company, [Backpack Media](http://bpack.media/), where I try to
use 2 week development cycles. Instead of me having to wait so long to
build what I\'ve been working on for a given period of time, I can just
let a serperate service build my code every 2 weeks so that I can just
deliver the file to the client (I\'m sure I can automate this as well).
I have worked with clients that use Circle CI before, but when I was
looking for the best tool for Andorid I found mix reviews. That being
said I\'m going to be using Travis, Jenkins, and Circl CI for different
projects and will let you know how that goes through these post and
hopefully some videos (tba).
### Why Travis for this project? (Pros & Cons) {#whytravisforthisprojectproscons}
Well Travis is a tool I was introduced to earlier this year at the
Codeland Conference. I was able to use it in a python environment and I
thought it was cool. So what was stopping me from jumping in then?
Let\'s discuss\...
#### Con 1: Pricing structure {#con1pricingstructure}
I know it might not always seem like it but I\'m broke. Like college
level broke. I\'m in a transition period and there is just no way I have
any more funds (personal or business) for a monthly sub to anything. I
mean the price isn\'t too steep so if you have the funds go be great.
#### Con 2: File Setup {#con2filesetup}
It took so much googling to find the right things to put in my file. I
also know [this](https://github.com/BackpackMedia/Ledger-App) github
repo was setup a bit differently so it took me awhile to figure out I
needed to point travis to a folder within the repo.
#### Con 3: No Suppport {#con3nosuppport}
I was looking for answers to specific things/errors and couldn\'t find
what I was looking for. It was really frustrating, but I wonder if it\'s
due to the travis community or the fact that people actively try to
avoid Android. Either way I\'d love to see more post/videos on walking
thru how to set up travis in a repo or even locally (if people do that
sort of thing).
#### Pro 1: Pricing Structure {#pro1pricingstructure}
LOL you probably hate me now after I just complained about price. I\'m
sorry about that but I had to be honest. The pro of the pricing
structure is that Travis is free for Open Source (OSS) Projects. OSS are
public projects that anyone can make additions to make it better.
#### Pro 2: Easy to use {#pro2easytouse}
The interface for Travis is really simple. I feel like I didn\'t spend a
bunch of time setting up which project to pull from and such oppose to
Jenkins. I spent more time on the actual coding of the `.travis.yml`
#### Pro 3: Documentation {#pro3documentation}
I could really tell that the Travis team put effort in having quality
docs. I appreciate it. Granted they cover more of the \"I have test
cases\" type of situations but there were some really good explainations
on what is already built in for every coding language in the event you
are using a special package within your project.
### Code Please {#codeplease}
The following code is my `.travis.yml` file for my OSS that can be found
[here](https://github.com/BackpackMedia/Ledger-App). This file basically
tells travis what language my project is in and then it says \"Hey fam!
Before you start go to the \'Ledger\' folder, make gradlew executable,
and then build my code with the tools I specified in components.\" Now
this took me 19 commits to get right. The difference between what I have
and the demo (from my understanding) is that I am just asking travis to
make sure my project builds fine. I don\'t actually have any built in
test for it to run.
language: android
sudo: required
- platform-tools
- build-tools-28.0.3
- android-28
- extra-google-m2repository
- extra-android-m2repository
- ./gradlew build
- cd Ledger
- chmod +x gradlew
### Future Test {#futuretest}
1. I\'d like to add in UI and unit test within my app to see how that
works with Travis.
2. I would like to see if you can run builds for ios & andorid at the
same time from different folders (I doubt it tbh). I do want to make
the iOS version of this app and think it would be cool it I could
keep both apps in one place (for now).
3. Try using travis with an open source project of another language
such as node, python, or react native
**Want to look up what all this means in depth? check out the docs