Recently I have done things that I have sworn off\...speaking. Why have
I done this? I really have no clue, but it\'s been pretty fun talking
about dev and devops (clearly things I really love). The first request
was from my buddy [Daniel]( to
speak to a class at [CodeCrew]( The second
request was from [Dr. Bushra](
for [ACM-W]( First off thank both of you for
thinking I have important things to tell people about my journey and how
they can get to where I am. It was really a big boost of confidence.
Also these allowed me to reflect on where I am and where I want to go
next. Anyway let me highlight some cool things I learned and/or realized
during the talks.
CodeCrew Talk
So I\'ll say I stupidly thought Daniel was asking me to talk to kids
about getting into coding. To be fair he really loves working with kids
and I should have googled sooner.
Anyway, I ended up talking to their most recent bootcamp class. I like
to be very clear with people when it comes to bootcamps. I don\'t have
any perspective of experience coming from a bootcamp. I can tell you the
things I\'ve looked for when interviewing people and maybe tell you
unconventional ways to get to an interview.
You might be wondering \"How did it go?\". Honestly I thought it went
really bad. I decided to wing this talk and I\'m not sure if that was
the best. I was expecting more specific questions and didn\'t think I\'d
have to talk talk ya know. The semi-biggest mistake I might have made
was my perspective of how an Engineer is defined.
I won\'t go into details anymore, but I would like for anyone reading
this to know the following\...If your check clears like the next person,
do not take your title personally. Titles overall are important to
career growth for people of color, but the \"will I be respected as an
engineer\" thing will always be contreversal. Stop thinking about it and
be great. If you need the validation go get an engineering degree.
That\'s all I can tell you.
So anyway\...I hope if anything those people don\'t dislike me too much
and they make their coins. Per usual\ your shit because your the
best and nobody can take that from you!
This is an opportunity I almost missed. I\'m so glad I decided to go
through my email account when I did. I actually really wanted to do this
one for more selfish reasons\....I wanted to see what other panelist
were going to say. lol
The other panelist and the overall vibes were really cool and I learned
a lot myself. [Dotty]( and
[Ayesha]( were amazing!
I\'ve never heard of anyone going from QA to devops nor have I heard of
anyone going from math to sys admin to devops. I think it was a really
well planned panel and Dr. Bushra made the the whole thing feel like a
talk among friends.
I hope people really felt like we answered their questions. At some
points I felt like I was trying to balance being realistic with
negativity. Being a woman in tech can have some negative experience, but
I still wouldn\'t choose to have a career in any other field (excluding
music). I feel it\'s important to tell people stories of the good, bad,
and ugly so maybe if they see the signs of bad or ugly they can react
earlier for a more favorable outcome.
With all this the past month I think it\'s time I go back into my little
hole and figure out what my goals are as I grow in devops and return to
school. Right now I don\'t have an answer to anything it seems, but
after these talks I want to take the time to figure it out so I can
write about it. lol
Check out the recording of the ACM-W panel here:
Text version of the ACM-W panel here: