This is going to be a lil different than expected but transparency or whatever What I did {#whatidid} ---------- I burned out. I planned properly but I have been over doing it do to the amount of material I have to consume and ingest. I set out with a goal of two chapters a week. By the time I hit chapter 3 (which is super important) I realized I was hitting a wall. So this week I just chilled, did some light coding, bs on twitter, and watched some tv. What I\'d change {#whatidchange} ---------------- What I should have done was my normal and just broke things up by the number of pages in the book vs chapter. Yes, concepts would have mixed but it's not that bad. I can still pause to sit with the content for 30-45ish mins (time it takes to cook and eat dinner) before moving to the next chapter. Goals for the new week {#goalsforthenewweek} ---------------------- Dive into the labs Start the audio. I\'ll all be listening to remember this audio on lunch or something Going to take the quizes I\'ve skipped so far and then listen to them during my wind-down time before bed Hit my pager per day goal atleast 3 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Check out week 1 [here](/sec-1wk/)* *Check out week 2 [here](/sec-2wk/)*