I\'m changing the format up this week and going to try to make these
weekly until I take my test.
What I did {#whatidid}
This week was a little hectic BUT I managed to read my 2 chapters out of
the security+ book and I was able to buy some extra material. So I think
a thing I haven\'t mentioned is that I\'m not taking the test after the
chapters. It seems like a lot to me so I\'ll take the quizes for the
first half of the book in the upcoming week and then the later half when
I\'m done.
I also took some time to do some PenTesterLab. I work on servers in my
spare time and it has helped a lot with how I connect everything.
PenTesterLab helps me keep my hacking skills going while I\'m mostly
focused on security. It makes a nice break that still isn\'t too far off
from what I\'m doing.
What I\'d change {#whatidchange}
I\'d make flashcards earlier. When I\'m done reading for xhr(s) I\'d
like to speand another 30mins - 1hr to make the flashcards for vocab and
the remember this sections.
I would like to use the new study material to study while in the gym. I
would really like to make that time more active learning than passive. I
love music but I also want to pass this test so I can break a lil.
Goals for the new week {#goalsforthenewweek}
Make flashcards earlier. I had to go back to make the ones for chapter
2-4 and I hated it. lol I\'m one that hates to go backwards. Anyway I
will try to stay more up to date with making *atleast* the vocab words.
I would love to figure out a way to always review ports. I knew some of
the common ones because of my side projects but there were a lot more
mentioned than I normally use. Also I wander how much these UDP port
matter in the real world so I\'d like to research that a little more.
See if I can stop making the remember this flashcards. I\'m going heavy
on flashcards because you remember things that you write but I\'m good
with auditory and visual learning as well, so i\'m wonder if I can
switch that part of studying to auditory learning.
Finish up the unix section of pentesterlab. I been going pretty slow but
my month has \~2 more weeks on it and I don\'t forsee myself using this
resource in December so I\'d like to knock out unix and Android security
by then.
*Check out week 1 [here](/sec-1wk/)*