As I\'m packing up I\'ve seen a bunch of books and papers I\'ve used
this past year. So I wanted to post about some books and research
topics. Most of these resources I got from suggestions of others. I\'ll
try to tell you the why behind buying them but at this point some of the
whys are no longer valid. Let\'s begin\...
### Research Topics {#researchtopics}
As stated, I started school to study hardware security. In the mist of
me trying to find a professor to research under I was told there was
reserch involving biochips. That being said I went out to find some info
before determining I wanted to move to network security. The following
is a progression of research topics I put into google:
- biochips
- fluids
- nanoengineering
- medical devices
- medical device security
- pentesting
- medical device pentesting
- medical device security
Now I made a begineer mistake in only printing out these resources and
not saving them for the future in pdf form. When making these types of
searches make sure your using Google\'s Scholar Search Engine. I would
also like to point out that I got a bunch of these resources from the
IEEE portal. Another great resource was meeting a mechanical engineer
doing reserch of biochips and the fluid dynamic things behind the
### Books
The following books are useful for different things. Some where
\"mistake\" buys so if the reasoning is bad I apologize.
#### Black Hat Python {#blackhatpython}
Everyone in security talks about pentesting. This book is highly
recommended so I thought \"I don\'t have a cert so this could be
useful.\" I bought this book and it was great. I think you should read
through it first and then go back through to implement things. I
realized this book was great but I felt like I was missing something.
There is a powerful tool called Metasploit and I thought I should
understand more as I found that it is one of the top security tools.
#### Metasploit: The Penetration Tester\'s Guide {#metasploitthepenetrationtestersguide}
So first off I want to s/o and thank [Arlan of Backstage
Capital]( for buying this book for me. I
vow to pay it forward hopefully this year. Anyways this book is a deep
dive into the metasploit tool. I like it because I don\'t feel like I\'m
just copying things. I\'m actually learning where things are and how I
can customize it for things I might need.
#### Schaum\'s Outline of Signals and Systems {#schaumsoutlineofsignalsandsystems}
I got this book because\....well I can\'t remember. I think it had
something to do with the biochip reserch but I\'m not sure.
#### Schaum\'s Outline of Digital Signal Processing {#schaumsoutlineofdigitalsignalprocessing}
I also don\'t know why I got this book. DSP is one of the core courses
in my program but it is more for electrical engineers. I thought I might
want to take this course or learn the material. I still might down the
line as I can see how this might be important to medical devices but
it\'s no longer in my focus.
#### Schaum\'s Outline of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes {#schaumsoutlineofprobabilityrandomvariablesandrandomprocesses}
I bought this book because I was struggling in class (this is also the
reason you shouldn\'t get use to not buying math books). I didn\'t have
enough working knowledge of probability and I was taking this and
Machine Learning all at once since the math is the same. Now I
understand more of the basics and can complete the book. At the time the
book helped me learn a half a semester of material in a week. Schaum\'s
is a good resource for anyone in Engineering and I highly recommend
#### The Hacker Playbook 2: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing {#thehackerplaybook2practicalguidetopenetrationtesting}
I saw this book come up a lot on instagram. I had alreday read black hat
python but it felt like I was missing the beginning on pentest setup. I
think this book is a great starting point for wanna-be pentesters.
#### Grey Hat Python {#greyhatpython}
I don\'t have this book yet but it\'s on my list to get. I want to start
participating in CTFs (Capture the Flags) and I think this will be a
great book to have in my toolbox.
#### Hacking: The Art of Exploitation {#hackingtheartofexploitation}
I also see this book recommended a lot by security people so I want to
read it as well. Exploitation is going to be something very important
for me to learn as I\'m looking at medical devices. I mean it\'s
important in general but for me if I can understand the mindset one is
in when looking for exploits I think it will be easier to patch and
might even make a great paper in the future.
#### CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide {#cisspallinoneexamguide}
Also need to s/o someone else here. My dad\'s linebrother, Mr. S, was
kind enough to buy this for me when I was fed up with my job. I haven\'t
take the proper time to fully start studying for this test but I do plan
on having it by the end of 2019. CISSP is like the highest certification
one can have in the security field. I am studying for a network+
certification but that\'s just a stepping stone. To be honest I\'m
scared to take this test. It\'s expensive and you need a sponsor but I
believe getting this certification and a amsters degree will really help
push my career in this industry.