I'll keep this short. Obsidian Publish is making me mad. Why? I can't order the navigation. You might think the site looks cool (thank you), but Alphabetical order doesn't help me or you. If the most recent post was at the top I believe we could be happier together. lol I'm not even sure how to fix this. I tried my own thing and consulted chatgpt (we should talk about that one day). With no dice I'm just here to say that I don't regret moving things over but this is a super pain point that I would like for them to address. ## Ideal Solution In settings you can choose one of your properties to order navigation. This could be a simple dropdown in the same navigation as the window that we already have to hide files/folders. The second part of this is updating the code under the hood to get the order depending on what the selection is. Default can be a-z or z-a I guess. I'll be looking into the obsidian publish code under the hood if I can soon. I just want this to be a great platform since I enjoy using it so much, but it's messing up the vibes. I can also accept that I'm probably using this different than most people. This isn't a "digital garden" just to connect thoughts w/o order. This is me documenting my growth in my career and interest in tech over time.