I wrote how to throw up a [Nextcloud server using
Linode](/nexcloud-on-linode/). Nexcloud is a free file sharing software,
but you have to host it. Let\'s begin\...
Have a domain {#haveadomain}
I don\'t want to tell you how to setup a domain and such. I will say
that you should buy the domain name to go with this nextcloud and then
move on.
#### I\'m using a sub-domain tho {#imusingasubdomaintho}
Well then figure out how to setup/deal with A records per your dns
Get the Instance Created {#gettheinstancecreated}
1. Choose a free tier EC2 instance and select the first `Ubuntu` one
with a x86.
2. Go straight to review
3. Go to the security group section and make sure that you have the
following rules:
- SSH Port 22
- HTTP Port 80
4. Save and then start your instance (P.S. If you want to tag it now
then feel free to do that here)
5. Create a `.perm` for this instance and save it where you can get to
it (I like the Desktop)
6. While the instance is starting then go down to elastic ips and go
through the steps
7. Once the ip is created click actions \> associate address
8. Let\'s login
- [Log into your instance -
- [Log into your instance -
Setup Nextcloud {#setupnextcloud}
Now that we are in our Ubuntu instance let\'s have some fun. We will be
downloading Nextcloud using snap so run the following:
`sudo snap install nextcloud`
Once we verify that your setup ran without a problem we are going to set
up an admin account by running:
`sudo nextcloud.manual-install <username> <password>`
You should then see another verification that Nextcloud was installed
successfully. If you didn't add a domain in step 2 then skip this step.
Add your custom domain to the trusted list by typing:
sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=<domain-name>
sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:get trusted_domains
Want SSL {#wantssl}
Awww we getting safe af in these streets. Run the following:
sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt
Once you get a confirmation you are done! To logon either put in the
ip-address of your server or your domain. Now you can can share all your
secret work with your siblings and friends. lol
P.P.S.- if you want to use `https` (which of course you do) then you
should change your security group again to allow inbount HTTPS Port 443
*edit 10/23/19: Edited some steps because I forgot to add the right
security group permissions 🙃*