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I want to use this particular post to track the changes made for the Medical Notes app and talk about any trend changes. To know when change is needed I'm basically just reading a lot and adjusting as I see fit. I will be updating this file periodically until there are 50 downloads and/or 25 active users.

The Original v1.0 (published 9/16/20)

tagline: Keep track of your medical events in one central location

category: Productivity

description: When medical events do you write things down in random places? You have pictures in your phone, notes in notes app, and the maybe even notes on paper? If this is you then this app can help you consolidate all of that.

The Medical Notes app allows you to keep your notes and images from medical events or doctors appointments in one place. Never have to click through numerous app ever again. Put all those details here and let them travel with you wherever you are.

Analysis: No getting as many eyes are initial downloads as I would like. Not sure if it's do to the category or not. Productivity sounded right but other similar apps are under Health & Fitness or Medical. I don't feel like it really fit the medical category but I'm leaving it open as an option.

UI wise I'm a firm believer that there are too many screens and that messes up the UX. My finally observation is that the number of people who register vs download are not consistent so I'm wondering if that is because there are no social logins. I really would prefer not to add them. Will put it on hold until people say otherwise.

The Face List v1.1 (published 10/11/20)

tagline: Keep track of your medical notes in one central location

category: Health and Fitness

description: When medical notes do you write things down in random places? You have pictures in your phone, notes in notes app, and the maybe even notes on paper? If this is you then this app can help you consolidate all of that.

The Medical Notes app allows you to keep your notes and images from medical events or doctors appointments in one place. Never have to click through numerous app ever again. Put all those details here and let them travel with you wherever you are.

Analysis: I still don't think the app belongs in fitness so it will be in Health & Fitness for awhile. I think the new UI updates made it easier to "market" to others (v1.0 was very..not cute). The move from using "events" to "notes" both in app and in the description was to make everything consistent. Studying other apps it seems that "notes" gets more hits from searches.

Lastly I want to keep a close eye on the difference from Google analytics, the app store, and firebase. The numbers don't seem to add up but I'm not 100% sure why, so I need to figure out which is will be the source of truth for tracking purposes.