This will be a really short update for me (shocker). I kinda forgot when you unplug things the IP address will be dynamically assigned again. Well\...I lost the \"original\" IP address of my server. I really forgot because in the cloud I use static ips and it just never dawned on me to do the same locally. Anyway I\'m going to fix it and document it all (expect a how to for setting static IPs on an ubuntu server). Documentation has been a big push of mine lately. I don\'t know what wiki type container thing I\'ll use for my notes but I\'ve just been typing up my homelab instructions/setup in Joplin for an easy transfer when the time comes. It\'s pretty helpful to document everything as well because now I actually know what is where. Anyway that\'s all I got. If you have any suggestions for documentation just let me know. Ideally I want to have a \"public\" welcome to my lab page and then on sign-in or something then you can see the deeper details.