Happy New Year! I\'m not counting this post under my homelab hours just because. I do want to say that documentation is important though and I wanted to start the new year focused on that. ## So what's new? Nothing really. I plan to upgrade my phone so I\'m just getting things together \"at home\" to backup all my photos and such so that the move goes over easily. I think (90%) I\'m going to use tailscale for being able to tunnel back to my home network when on the go. I have also been looking into a more up to date router because the one I have is pretty old (from 2019). Oh on a software note I installed this app called Joplin. I\'m using it to replace emacs and logseq when studying. Joplin is more like 1 Note or Obsidian with a notebook to notes breakdown. Anyway I\'m liking it so far and think I\'ll keep it up for my lab stuff. I just need to backup things to my NAS and nextcloud. ## Where is our updated picture? Glad you asked. It\'s here! ![](/content/images/2024/01/homelab-diagram.png){.kg-image width="559" height="393"} ## Are you still doing the series? I\'d like to until I hit 100hrs. I don\'t mind being flexible in my goals for learning. Especially with the other stuff I accomplished last quarter and I\'ll be starting up school again this year. Anyway all that to say the new 100hr goal is my 30th bday (June). If I make it I\'m just going to buy a beefier computer. If I don\'t make it\...I\'m still going to buy a beefier computer. lol I\'m trying to celebrate everything including the small things this year so this is a win/win situation.