![featured image](/content/images/2021/11/web-3-nft.png)
I haven\'t given you all a Bootcamp update and I\'ll address that in
this post. This past week I did two [build
space](https://buildspace.so/) projects(one of the NFts are on this
post). I\'ve been hearing about it from one of my groups and it\'s very
much my thing (hands on). I want to tell you about my experience and
where I want to go next with this.
Bootcamp isn\'t what I expected. It\'s a lot of words and not enough
hands on for me. I\'m going to be real frank about things\...I am behind
on class. I plan to work through coding exercises one day this week, and
then taking notes on another day. The talks they have are a bit advance
even for me, BUT all this isn\'t a bad thing. Taking the time to do
hackathons and now build space has actually made the material even more
Build Space
OMG this site. Build space reminds me of the projects I use to build in
college except they have a lot more instruction for this new field. At
first I signed up for just the intro to web3. I loved the experience and
breakdown. I finally understood what I was doing in the Nervos hackathon
a few months ago. Oh let me backup\....completing a project will get you
a NFT for your hard work.
Anyway I really love how [Farza](https://twitter.com/FarzaTV) breaks
down every line of code because I was previously just changing things
out the blue. I also love the format. There is a discord that you can
post progress in and ask questions. Granted I have kinda slipped on
posting progress outside of ig.
All in all if you are looking for a fun and easy way to get into web3
this is definitely it.
The Future
This experience has been fun. I plan to do 1 more build space about
Rust, my new found programming love. I want to create 2 crypto related
things in the next few months: an ecomm site and have my on \"NFT
How do I plan to get this done with the new job and such? No clue. Going
to take a very good schedule, good sleep, and some quality breaks.
Luckily there is a holiday around the corner so I\'ll take full
advantage of those days and we shall see what dent I can make in these
Oh and I also want to start applying for web3 work. Nothing heavy
though. Maybe 1-2 contracts a month would be nice. I just need to put
myself out there ya know. I think Rust will help open this door even
more and I\'m excited to see where that takes me.
On a complete side-note\...I don\'t recommend everyone jump around like
I did.