This folder is not being pushed but I wanted to make a folder where I could talk about things I've done in this hobby. Let me do a little explaining here and you can decide if you still want to read this section or not.
## What is competitive shooting?
Glad you asked. There are a few different types and I predominately do USPA and IDPA. I started with USPSA and I really use IDPA to help me get better with accuracy. I've also done steel challenge (Checkout 2024 in review), but that one doesn't have as much movement so doesn't feel as exciting.
## How did I get into this?
My firearm journey is interesting. I had a college friend get killed by his neighbor. I remember having a talk with another friend to make sure that I had the knowledge and skill to protect myself if I was going to continue living the way I do.
Detour here...I'm a pretty go with the flow person. I'll take walks at 10p at night just to have something to do. I was also taking public transit, moving a lot, and living in places that aren't seemingly safe (the world isn't safe in general but you get it).
Anyway I took a gun class and was like "this is cool". I was talking about how much I learned and it was mentioned that I should try competing. I brushed it off until one friend really explained how it could help with practical practice. Once I hit a point that I needed to find something to challenge me I found a safety class, went to a match, and have been shooting consistently ever since.
## Are you any good?
I'd like to think so. I've never taken a formal shooting 101 class, but I'm moving up and placing fairly well being 1.5yrs in as of writing (12/2024). I take classes and practice so I'd like to say my handling skills are good and I could be the next John Wick lol.
So yea...thanks for checking this if you're interested. Again not pushing this. I just wanted to have a space to talk about this and honestly...this is my website so I can do things like that.