I'm writing this after Google IO '19 because I know I have a 1 week
window before I start disliking them. 🙃 I'm going to talk about the most
exciting things that came out of the conference and why you too should
be excited.
Camera X {#camerax}
From a developer standpoint the most annoying things isn't only building
for multiple phone sizes but it's dealing with camera. Most Samsung
phones act differently than other phones so you end up writing a bunch
of custom code to handle that. My understanding of Camera X is that
under the hood all these customizations are already configured so now we
are saving code. Not only are we saving code but within jetpack we are
cutting down on resources. The smaller your app size is the greater it's
chances of staying on a users phone.(this is assuming they like your
Pixel 3a {#pixel3a}
This isn't developer related but boy do I love some good hardware. The
pixel 3a was basically a phone we all knew could happen years ago made
into reality. This phone has all the perks of the Pixel 3 but for \$400
(that's like half price). Like with Apple's iPhone XR (which I typed
most of this from) this proves the point that you don't need to be
charging \$1000+ for a phone.
Kotlin is the official language {#kotlinistheofficiallanguage}
I been saying Kotlin was official for the past year because Google added
Kotlin to all their documentation. Kotlin makes it really easy for
people who don't like Java to jump into Android development. Along with
Kotlin being the official language there are more courses backed by
google and jetbrains on how to get started.
Sometimes I feel like "accessibility" is used as a buzzword vs people
actually doing the work around it but Google is actually doing work.
From design to robust app features. I was so excited to learn more and
there were a lot of sessions led by people with different needs. I am
excited to put more time into making apps more accessible the right way.
Dark Mode {#darkmode}
Dark Mode might not be exciting for most but as someone who loves
black/dark grey it's perfect for me. Dark Mode helps save battery life
and just looks cool. IOS added dark mode last year on Mac so I'm glad
google decided to follow their lead on mobile.
Google Assistant {#googleassistant}
If I knew what a hype beast was I'd say this is it! Google is basically
made it so you don't have to keep touching your phone. You can rent a
car, respond to txt, set timer, add to calendar, all of the things all
by just saying "ok Google"!!! This is like the biggest game changer.
Amazon got in the voice game early so they were dominating but it seems
like Google is hot on their heels.\
Making assistant apps have gotten better too with all this news. There
is going to be more integration with Android apps so you can control
whole user stories using voice. I've looked into writing Google
assistant apps once before but now I think I want to seriously jump in.
Now you don't have to use Kotlin for these. Like Alexa you can use nodes
and js or I hear they have a porting tool you could use and their
developer advocates on stackoverflow are really good.
Machine Learning {#machinelearning}
This is the last big thing I'm excited about. This could easily fall
under accessibility but I wanted to separate them. Google is the biggest
holder of user data right now and google is really using that data to
make big impact everywhere. Last year they were talking about analyzing
cancer images, but this year they were talking about using machine
learning to understand people with speech impediments. This is huge!
Helping people feel included in your platform can really set one apart
with this new voice wave emerging.
Well this is all I got for now. As I learn more and test I'll be sure to
write about it. On the other hand if you don't want to keep up with all
this but want to talk about how it can benefit your app/future app [book
a 1-hr call with me](https://calendly.com/bpackmedia/)