Not going to put all my goals here because honestly I only made 2 real ones, but I started shooting more types of competitions this year so I'm going to tell you my high level goals. ## Things To Crush - [ ] make B class in USPSA - [ ] Make any class in IDPA - [ ] Place top 3 ladies in a level 2 match - [ ] Travel to a level 2 match (preferably in the south) - [ ] Get close to a 500 in GSSF These things might not seem hard but again, every milestone I hit is really dope to me. From no skills to being able to place is wild. I'm just a girl having fun and learning things. Anyway juggling my new semi-athletic life has it's challenges. I still have career goals to hit but honestly...I'll figure things out again. I'm not a 1d human so let's do this!